Shrunken Cheating Boyfriend
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! You are my very stupid, philandering ex boyfriend. For your mistakes I have shrunken you down to a more manageable size. I've been fucking with you for days, keeping you around for my I've brought my girlfriend Ceara over to show her what I've done. She's amused...but I notice you getting a little always did have a soft spot for brunettes. I challenge you to NOT cum while she teases you...if you fail I will let her make a snack out of you... More of Ceara Lynch...including an amazing LIFT n' CARRY vid we filmed together!
Giantess Vs. Little You
Jesus, look how HUGE I've grown! My cloths have shredded right off of me! Look at little you: terrified and no where to run. How does that feel? I can tell you that it makes me feel very powerful and sadistic. I'm going to toy with you...tease you...and that will likely work up quite a hunger...that's right my little snack, down the hatch! (VORE)
Length: 8 minutes
Giantess's Nina & T
Well, well little man. You're in big trouble now. Two powerful Giantess's have spotted you. They'll toy with you, teasing you about how they might do-you-in...they're amused by you trying to jerk off one last time before they extinguish you...
(Click to go to
Length: 5 minutes
Giantess Sarah and T
The gorgeous Sarah Blake joins me in dominating and tormenting little you! Double the fun! I explain how my giantess fans don't realize that the more giantess porn they watch the smaller they will get until they are actually snack size. Featuring lots of VORE & CRUSH!
Length: 8 minutes
Too Close To Giantess
You just had to get a closer look, didn't you little man? You could have kept at a safe distance & I probably wouldn't have noticed you but you had to know what I smelled like...what I tasted you're trapped, vulnerable and in mortal danger....yet your little dick is still hard! Can you jerk off fast enough to give yourself one last orgasm before I finish toying with you? VORE + CRUSH + Louboutin designer heels!
Length: 7 minutes
Giantess's Rene & T
This is a BIG deal for little fans of Giantess! Two gorgeous and powerful Giantess's tower over you, making you feel even tinier and more insignificant than you already are. You're so vulnerable, we could do anything with you we please! Find "3 Domme CEI" featuring us along with Ceara Lynch....and more of censored Princess Rene at:
Little Ninja Vs. Ceara & T
Ceara & I are amused that the land of the little people have sent a trained ninja to battle us, the Giantess's who keep destroying them. We mock his fancy ninja moves and taunt him, toying with him...we make him watch us consume 2 of his little buddies before finally making a meal of him...(Lots of VORE!) Featuring the over overpowering Ceara Lynch! (See more of Ceara at &
Length: 11 minutes
Queen Of Disdain
Whether the thought of me CRUSHing your nuts turns you on or if you enjoy watching my MOUTH eat things (VORE)...or if you love my FEET...there's enough visuals to turn your crank. Be warned though, I'm a bitch in this vid. All spice, no sugar. Unless you consider me talking about CHEWING your nuts up 'sweet talk'. Freak.
Length: 7 minutes
Tiny, Naive and Delicious
You are part of a group of tiny people living near a group of giant people. The giants find the tiny people delicious so the tiny people avoid them at all costs. You, unfortunately, have grown up sheltered and have never heard of these dangerous giants & giantesses. You're out exploring and wander into Giantess T's house. She's amused that you are not afraid of her. She picks you up and puts you on her table to get a better look at you. She's amused that you are fascinated with her mouth. She toys with you, letting you get a really good look at her mouth (MOUTH FETISH) until her hunger finally gets the better of her and her attitude turns dark as she humiliates you for being so stupid & naive. She tells you what is about to happen to you (VORE)...
Length: 11 minutes